Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Updates and New Contact Information

Hello readers!

I just wanted to let you know what has been going on here over the last week with A Girl That reads.

  1. We have a new contact e-mail! You can now reach us as, and all outgoing e-mails from us will be from that same address.
  2. Due to severe weather, I was not able to make it to the post office over the last week. The winner of the Open Me by Sunshine O'Donnell giveaway will be receiving their prize soon as it has finally been mailed out! She has received an e-maill about this.
  3. This past Saturday's In My Mailbox post had to be delayed. I'm going to just save it for this coming weekend since it is now Wednesday already!
  4. Our Twitter page has yet to receive a matching overhaul, look for that in the next week, as well as replies to any tweets y'all have sent @ replying to A Girl That Reads.
  5. The next book review should be up no later than Sunday, May 8th. But, expect it much earlier than that.
And, most important of all, hello and welcome to all of the new followers A Girl That Reads has gained over the last few weeks. You guys are awesome, thank you very much for following and reading this little blog here. It's much appreciated!

Happy reading!